i do NOT look like apollo ohno. or dakota fanning. or that random japanese dude.

Posted by A PRINCESS ON A BUDGET on 10:33 AM in
dear person-in-charge of myheritage.com,

i'm sorry to have to tell you this but you have got it all wrong.

i mean, apollo ohno's cute and all . . . BUT I'M A GIRL (crossing my arms and pouting my lips). i'm pretty sure of that. how dare you say that he and i look 56% alike???

and the picture your website used to compare me and him was from a bajillion years ago. when he wasn't that hot. and he had dreadlocks. or maybe his hair was just super super SUPER dry.

i'll have you know that it takes me HOURS to get my hair to look all pretty and curly so it srsly stings annoys me to high hell when someone compares it to dreads (stamping my feet)!


i also definitely do NOT look like dakota fanning, not at all. don't get me wrong. i adore dakota. she's pretty awesome in my book. and i'd gladly agree with you if there was any chance, any tiny itty-bitty chance that your website could possibly have gotten this right but no. definitely not. let me tell you why.

she's blond, i have black hair. she has blue eyes, mine are brown. she's a waif, i'm bordering on chunky. she's the epitome of an all-american girl, i'm asian to the core.

i guess i wouldn't be so vehement about us not looking alike if you had used a recent picture of dakota because that girl is turning out to be a pretty young lady.

like this pic, for example.

but no. you had to piss me off by using this pic instead.

srsly, WTF?!

and i obviously DO NOT look like this random japanese dude, who may or may not be a real celebrity.

i am therefore leaving you with 3 well-intended suggestions.

first, update your celebrity pictures. people grow up and grow old. it's how it has always been, in case you weren't aware of that.

second, do not put pics of people you meet on the street because i go to your site to see how my looks measure up to hollywood standards (not that i'm vain or anything like that). i obviously don't want to be compared to ordinary mediocre people like me. so, real celebrities only please.

third, fire the person who invented your software and hire someone to re-do your entire system. obviously, the one you're using right now sucks is not very accurate. state-of-the-art face recognition system, my foot. pffft. do it now and do it fast because like the volturi, i don't give second chances.

have a good day.




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