flash mobbing? mobbing in a flash? flashing a mob? oh wait. not the last one.

Posted by A PRINCESS ON A BUDGET on 11:55 AM in ,
I saw this video over at the bloggess' blog, and it made me realize that being part of a flash mob should definitely go on my bucket list.

It looks silly-fun, doesn't it?! And I know I could totally do those dance moves. Well, probably. After all, I am an awesome dancer, if I do say so myself. But someone will have to show it to me a couple few about 527 times and then I'll get it. It'll be perfect!

Not to brag or anything but there are a number of dance steps that I was able to do right on the get-go. Okay, maybe not right away but definitely before the 527th try. If I were in charge of picking dance moves that should make a comeback, those would definitely be on top of the list. On a totally random note, wouldn't that be the coolest job ever?

Anyhoo, I found this video which showcases EVERY SINGLE ONE of my famous dance moves. Have a look-see.


But back to the topic at hand, maybe I should just go do a flash mob thing on my own, like this guy. Though I doubt mall security would appreciate my explanation of why I was acting like a crazy person at the mall. They're not very sharp, those guys.

Anyway, I should probably get off the interwebs now and start forcing blackmailing asking people to be part of my flashers. I'm sure they'd be happy to do it.


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