it all comes down to poo.

Posted by A PRINCESS ON A BUDGET on 11:07 AM in
i woke up today and noticed that every single muscle in my body is sore and every single joint made cracking (breaking?) sounds whenever i made the slightest movement. i feel so old . . .

no, i didn't go to the gym nor did i have a crazy night full of wild sex.

i simply went to work yesterday. 13 hours of grueling, hard labor.

i basically spent most of my day trying to help weak but slightly massive (read: obese) old men who may just be double my weight to walk, get in a chair or turn in bed. mind you, this is no easy feat for a little asian girl like me. it basically takes me 10 minutes to get one of these guys from the bed to a chair that is 3 feet away. nice.

not to mention the fact that when i wasn't trying to singlehandedly carry old men yesterday, i was dealing with poop . . . getting poop specimens for labwork, getting poop off of butts of incontinent patients or giving enemas to make my patient have crazy watery poop.

awesome sauce.

talking about poop reminds me of a SCRUBS episode where everyone started singing about it. i should try this on my floor, see if anyone sings with me.

anyway . . .

oh, and this one really old guy asked me to help him pee in a urinal, which is this little container used in hospitals for people who can't get up and go to the bathroom. i handed him the urinal and told him to put his thingie in it. he stated that he needed a towel first and when i asked him what for, he told me he needed to wipe himself off since it was slippery and all. srsly, WTF?!

so that was my day yesterday. old men, poop and slippery penii (penuses?).

my life rocks.


addendum: 4/20/2010     11:31pm

so, i went to the doctor today to have my right wrist checked out since it's been giving me horrific pain the past 2 days. guess what the doctor told me . . .

i have a fucking SPRAIN on my wrist!

great. just great.

not to mention the fact that i have to wear this stupid brace/splint type thing for the next 2 weeks, which totally looks like a cross between michael jacko's glove and captain hook's hook without the hook.

to top it all off, wearing the brace means less internet trolling, less radio knob turning, less texting, less driving, less phone dialing, less eating, less writing, less remote control pressing, less of  everything!

my life officially sucks ass.

remind me not to carry old obese men ever again.



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