i have a date. yikes.

Posted by A PRINCESS ON A BUDGET on 12:51 PM in ,
So, remember my first post about Mr. Hapa? Well, things are going pretty great. I don't want to get ahead of myself but so far, things are awesome. We've been talking on the phone and texting like crazy, it feels like I'm in high school all over again. So far, so good.

Mr. Hapa and I are planning on meeting in person for the first time this weekend, and I'm feeling a little nauseous about it. Like I said before, I give a bad first impression. I do. I stutter and get shifty-eye syndrome. Worse, I get verbal diarrhea when I'm nervous where sh*t basically comes out of my mouth. Not literally because that would be really gross. And I don't mean sh*t like I become a potty mouth (which btw, I am but he still doesn't know about it). I mean I talk about stuff I probably shouldn't be telling someone I just met. Like how I get major diarrhea when I eat anything with lactose. Or how my necklace looks like a vagina.

Now that I think about it, I've mentioned both things to Mr. Hapa before . . . and he still wants to meet up . . . Huh.

Theoretically, the first impression phase was done after our first 2-hour phone convo last Sunday but still. HE HASN'T SEEN ME YET. And like all girls, I'm kinda-sorta-only slightly freaking out about it.

Should I run out and get some cute outfit? Or should I just dress the way I normally would (jeans + nice top)? Should I get a mani/pedi and a haircut? What about an eyebrow wax? Ugggh.

And ohmygawd, what is considered correct first date etiquette? Do I offer to pay? Do I not offer to pay? Because I remember Ted from How I Met Your Mother having an issue with one girl who didn't at least do the "reach for the purse" move when the bill came. And I probably shouldn't order pasta or noodles. Or anything that can potentially get stuck in between my teeth. Or anything that could give me bad breath in case we kiss. Sh*t. Does kissing on a first date make me slutty-ish? What about hugging? Or kisses on the cheek? Or holding hands? Seriously, who the hell knows the rules? Is there a number I can call? And please don't say Dr. Phil or I'll stab you. I obviously need help. So many dilemmas, I tell you.

I hate being a girl. I'm so nervous that this could turn out to be one of the worst nights ever.

Actually, I take that back.

Being a girl rocks because I get to go out on dates with guys who could potentially be a potential. And this might just turn out to be a great first date that Mr. Hapa and I will both talk about for a long long time.

We'll see where it goes. I'll let you know what happens.



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